No two people have the same perceptions or vantage point on things. At the root of these differences is feeling. Different people process their feelings differently. Some are more reactive, sensitive and open, others more stoic, thick skinned and guarded. Certain people are ‘fluent’ in emotion, while to others it’s virtually a foreign language. This fundamental difference – seeded by nature, modeled by nurture – underlies just about every other personality variation.
“Personality can be assessed according to a concept called Boundaries. It’s the most fundamental way of understanding who we are and how we differ from one another. People literally feel differently based on where they fall along the boundary spectrum.”
Your Emotional Type, chapter 3
“There is only one core issue…Where is the ‘me’? Where does the ‘me’ begin? Where does the ‘me’ stop? Where does the ‘other’ begin?”
Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion, chapter 13
“Thick boundary people are rigid, calm, deliberate, well organized (they keep ‘everything in its place’), and persevering.”
Sensitive Soul, chapter 1
“While thin boundary people are most likely to register anomalous influences, thick boundary people are more likely to be involved in the creation of anomalies.”
Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion, chapter 13
“Thin boundary people are open, vulnerable, reactive, flexible (they see ‘shades of grey’), and easily agitated. They are highly sensitive in a variety of ways and from an early age.”
Sensitive Soul, chapter 1
“Thin boundary people are more likely to be psychically sensitive.”
Spiritual Anatomy of Emotion, chapter 10
“Your boundary type indicates how likely you are to be affected by certain chronic conditions.”
Your Emotional Type, Introduction
“Many chronic health conditions are rooted in one’s emotional biology. They directly relate to how the energy of feelings works within us.”
Your Emotional Type, chapter 3